St Augustin

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
Who lives sees much, who travels sees more.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Abseiling in Brisbane, Queensland, one bright sunny day.

Lovely to join SKYWATCH FRIDAY. Looking forward to seeing lots of gorgeous photos.



Dianne said...

Sky-watching of a different kind. Beautiful blue Brisbane skies are always a delight to the eyes.

"Adelaide and Beyond"

Anonymous said...

Unusual and lovely sight!

Red Nomad OZ said...

So good to see you back!! Love this great pic even though the thought of being on it scares me rigid!!! Have a great weekend!!

Icy BC said...

Fantastic photo!

Thanks for visiting and following!

Sản Phẩm Sắc Đẹp said...
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Unknown said...

Cool photo! Wish you can have more shot of it. Thanks for sharing.

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Unknown said...

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manntravel said...

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Elisha said...
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Elisha said...

Nice Pictures!Sky-watching was a different kind.Thanks for sharing.keep posting.


Dhairya said...

Beautiful Pictures!Sky-watching was a great things.Thanks for sharing.Keep Posting.


Muhammad Syahrul said...

Sharing euy Obat keloid di bibir must Obat batuk berdarah going Obat benjolan di sekitar leher belakang telinga amazing Obat luka pada sudut bibir nidji Obat flu singapura Noah Obat nyeri sendi pada lutut Setia Obat benjolan di bokong d'masiv Obat kelenjar getah bening di leher five minutes Obat penghilang benjolan di kepala wali Obat keratosis pilaris Thank you...